Prophecies are given so that we may look at history, especially events occurring in our own lifetime, from Gods perspective. Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was astonished for a time, and his thoughts troubled him. Verses 15-28 contain the divine interpretation of this vision. The nation of Israel has been set aside by divine discipline in the present times of the Gentiles, which began with Nebuchadnezzar. 76 It is not altogether accurate to refer to chapters 1-6 as historical and 7-12 as prophetic. Arioch then explained the matter to Daniel. The angel told Daniel that at the end of those three and a half years the court would sit for judgment and the dominion (a word in Aramaic that means kingdom or empire and the citizens or subjects of that empire) would be taken away from the Antichrist, and the Antichrist and his followers will be annihilated and destroyed forever. Remembering this avoids confusion. When we expect it least, the Lord will return, the wicked will be punished, and the kingdom of God established forevermore. Those who populate the earth after the tribulation will give their allegiance to Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed. Daniels response to the vision was far from assuring or calming. 13 I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him.77 14 And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language Might serve Him. Old Testament Jews would likely regard the reference to the Son of Man in Daniel 7 as a reference to the Messiah, although they would probably not understand Him to be both divine and human. He surpasses those before him by speaking boastfully, then blaspheming, and finally seeking to overthrow Gods order. During those days the revived Roman empire will be ruled by a confederation of ten kings as described by the ten toes of the statue of Daniel 2 and the ten horns of Daniels dream. So they came and stood before the king. Some of his alarm arose from his not yet having been given the interpretation of his vision. Daniel was not satisfied with just a summary of his dream, especially of the fourth beast that was so different than the other three, he wanted more detail. In my opinion, the most dramatic reference of our Lord to His identity as the Son of Man comes as the Lord Jesus stands on trial before the Sanhedrin and the high priest: 59 Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain false testimony against Jesus, in order that they might put Him to death; 60 and they did not find it, even though many false witnesses came forward. Prophecy provides men the opportunity to think and act in a way which pleases God, who determines the future and who reveals future events to men. Prophecy greatly benefits the Christian because it enables him to see things from the bigger and broader perspectivefrom Gods perspectiveso that when he suffers, he knows it is but a part of the process of getting to glory. Nebuchadnezzar became distressed when he received his first night vision (2:1) because he did understand some of his dream. His vision in chapter 4 should have produced more distress than it did. Since the last kingdom and the prophecies associated with it have not yet been fulfilled, we must in some way be a part of that kingdom. (8) Is there any relationship between Nebuchadnezzars dream in chapter 2 and Daniels dream in chapter 7? In spite of these kings, the saints of the Highest One will possess the eternal kingdom forever and ever. (6) None of the kings or the kingdoms are identified. Encouraged to do so, it savagely devours. Peter reminds us of Gods patience, but His patience has a determined end. In the euphoria of this grand event, someone might well conclude the kingdom of God was to be established within the lifetime of those returning to Israel. He staying the decree is brought to the king. Daniel 2:24-49 New International Version Daniel Interprets the Dream 24 Then Daniel went to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to execute the wise men of Babylon, and said to him, "Do not execute the wise men of Babylon. He will rule over all nations forever. Chapter 7 moves from the historical accounts of Daniel and his three friends to the prophetic revelations received by Daniel in the last half of the Book.76 The following chart may help us visualize the relationship of Daniels prophecies to the historical setting in which they were revealed: The first prophetic revelation is found in Daniel 2. As Daniel watches, "four great beasts," each different from the others, emerge from the dark waters (verse 3). His followers too must be alert and ready for His return (24:44). The beasts emerge out of chaos and confusion; the heavenly court is calm and dignified. The toasting of the gods of the Babylonians with the sacred temple vessels, recorded in chapter 5, may have been Belshazzars final act of blasphemy. In the first use of this expression, being a son of man was contrasted with being God: God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; has He said, and will He not do it? But in the end, God will judge the wicked and establish His kingdom for His saints. Remember he had seen the innumerable host of angels attending the Ancient of Days. In verse 1 Daniel indicates his vision came to him in the first year of the reign of Belshazzar. Editing allows an author to set aside details which are not significant and focus on the essence of the message he is trying to communicate. Daniel finds nothing to compare to it. The vision plays on before Daniel, almost as though in answer to his desire to know more. Each beast has its own unique characteristics. Our text challenges such a conclusion, and later prophecies in Daniel further document that the coming of the King and of the kingdom will be some time further in the future. He questioned His disciples so that they could confess that He, the Son of Man, was the Messiah (16:13f.). In Gods economy, things are not what they appear to be. The precise meaning of the symbols of the raised side and the three ribs is illusive. They are far from pleasant but an unavoidable part of the process. (13) In some sense, the last kingdom is still on-going. After this chapter, the book returns to the Hebrew language. The fourth beast in Daniels dream relates to the fourth kingdom in Nebuchadnezzars dream, the Roman empire. Up to this time, it was simply a synonym for being human, a son of man. I kept looking, and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom. (8) The four beasts are all different, with the last standing apart from the first three. The interpretation of the events Daniel witnessed in his vision is given in its most concise form in verses 17 and 18: The four beasts were four kings, who will arise from the earth. Chapter 2. Let Thy hand be upon the man of Thy right hand, Upon the son of man whom Thou didst make strong for Thyself (Psalm 80:17). For this reason, I wish to clearly state the foundational presuppositions and principles on which this exposition of Daniel is based. Daniels vision ends here, but its impact on him does not end. The blasphemous horn of Daniel 7, which goes so far as to oppose the people of God, is suddenly taken by death, and his kingdom is removed. Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel tells him, was about a statue with a golden head, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, and legs of iron, which is crushed by a giant stone, which itself becomes a mountain (vv. This horn is called by different names in the New Testament: In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 the little horn is called the man of lawlessness. Revelation 13:1-2 calls the little horn the beast. The name he is best known by in found in 1 John 2:18-24 where John calls the little horn the Antichrist.. 7 And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. The identity of the kingdoms represented by the other body parts and metals was not revealed. The point of this prophecy is not to tell us who future kings will be, but rather what they will be like. The angel says the Antichrist will seek to make alterations in times and in law. He not only speaks against the Most High, he oppresses the saints. And yet God said they would. When the Lord Jesus came to the earth, He often referred to Himself as the Son of Man, gradually making it clear that He was the Messiah who was God incarnate. But the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come. Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet, and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates. The prophecy of this chapter is divinely interpreted. For the remainder of Nebuchadnezzars life, it seems that religion in the kingdom of Babylon was at least favorable to the worship of the God of the Jews. Specifically, the account of The Bad News at Belshazzars Banquet (not a bad title for that lesson) in chapter 5 was given to us so that we could better understand the prophecies of chapters 7 and 8. 13 And he performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. The saints should neither believe nor behave on the basis of how things appear to be (the wicked prospering and prevailing over the righteous). We know from history that though Persia rose later than Media it soon overshadowed Media in its power. This is what we need to know from Daniels vision, rather than the identity of the beasts. At least the final portion of chapter 7 has not been fulfilled. These will continue to be separate nations in the confederation but will come under the little horns control and authority. When his appointed time is over, God will destroy this king and his kingdom and establish His eternal kingdom on the earth. - As for these four children, God gave them knewledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.Or, as the words might be more accurately rendered, "these lads, the four of them" (Ezekiel 1:8-10).This indicates that somehow they were separated off into a quaternion. What God determined to reveal to Daniel should be enough for us. He had endured the training of the Chaldeans and he had lived his life in the service of a foreign king, at first the foreign king who had overthrown his country. He wants to know more about this dreadful beast, different from the rest, especially in the destruction he wrought. Even those portions which we believe have been fulfilled, students of prophecy differ about the way of their fulfillment. The expression, son of man, is not new to Daniel nor to the Jews of his day. 26 But the court will sit for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. He had interpreted dreams for this king and yet this dream caused Daniel to be alarmed and to feel physically sick. 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. The saints (believing Jews when Christ return to earth) will enjoy the kingdom, the fulfillment of Gods promise to Israel.[3] The Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary states that these saints might also include the resurrected Old Testament saints, the martyred tribulation saints, and the tribulation saints who survive the tribulation. Did Daniel interpret dreams? (1) It follows the narrative concerning Mishael, Hananiah and Azariah in the matter of Nebuchadnezzar's golden image (Daniel 3). She makes it clear in a rather public fashion that she finds him desirable. What God declares in prophecy, He reveals as well in history. Prophecy becomes necessary from time to time to remind men of those things God has planned for the future which He will surely fulfill. 5. Having related the dream, Daniel then interprets it: it concerns four successive kingdoms, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar, which will be replaced by the everlasting kingdom of the God of heaven. The first of Daniel's four beasts is "like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle" ( Daniel 7:4 ). Alexander the great and his armies did conquer the nations that became a part of his empire swiftly. 11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. So he told me and made known to me the interpretation of these things: 17 These great beasts, which are four in number, are four kings who will arise from the earth. According to our text, the prophecies of Daniel 7 will not be fulfilled for a considerable period of time. We do not act on what we see so much as on what God has said. Never in the history of the Roman empire has this happened so it is yet future. Wheaton, IL : Victor Books, 1983-c1985, S. 1:1352, [4]LaHaye, Tim and Hindson, Ed., editors, The Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary. Je. As for me, Daniel, my thoughts were greatly alarming me and my face grew pale, but I kept the matter to myself (verse 28). The implication here is that this is a repeated dream, one that is . 4:19; Ezk. The final words of verse 25 are carefully chosen to let the reader know that while this king appears to be successfully opposing God, all he does is a part of the divine plan for the last days. The last kingdom has at least eleven kings. With the death of Nebuchadnezzar comes a change in the peoples attitudes, especially their leaders toward Judaism. In fact, Daniel has trouble interpreting some of his own dreams. The lesson was prepared for older students. The beasts are a horrifying and frightening sight; the heavenly court scene is one of regal splendor and beauty. May the Spirit of God reveal the meaning of this prophecy to us and produce in us that which God desires to His glory and our good. Verse 17. Would Belshazzar toast the gods of gold, silver, wood and stone with the sacred temple vessels? We know that Jesus came the first time to die and that He will come again to subdue His enemies and establish His kingdom. The first recorded vision comes to Daniel in the form of a night vision, like those of Nebuchadnezzar (2:1; 4:5) during the first year of the reign of Belshazzar. This takes place until the Ancient of Days comes and judgment is given to the saints, at the time the eternal kingdom becomes their possession. Because of his wisdom, and the favour of God, Daniel rose to a position within the Babylonian government. While God tells neither Daniel nor us that this beast represents Nebuchadnezzar, He does reveal that the head of gold in the vision of the great statue was Nebuchadnezzar (2:36-38). He will persecute and oppress the saints of the Highest One, the angel says that he will wear them down; the idea comes from the concept of wearing out a garment until it is threadbare. 9:1; 12:1, AV, RV), and the book of Daniel insists here and in subsequent chapters (8:27; 10:1, 10, 11, 15, 18) on the anxiety and psychological turmoil involved in receiving, even at Gods hand, understanding of the future course of history. Joyce C. Baldwin, Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1978), p. 143. Chapter 7 - In the first vision Daniel sees the same kingdoms, but this time he sees them as beasts. Rather than publish what he had learned he kept it to himself, until that time that the Holy Spirit guided him to write down and reveal what he had learned to the saints. Two weeks ago, after studying Revelation 13 and seeing how much it relates to Daniel 7 I decided we needed to go back and review Daniel 7 which we have not looked at since 2011. The three ribs in the bears mouth between its teeth most likely represent Babylon, Egypt, and Lydia, three empires conquered by the Medo-Persian empire. Abraham and Sarah were elderly and childless. In our passage, Daniel asks for and receives an explanation. With iron-like teeth, horns (some with eyes), and feet, it is utterly destructive. Episode 5 of "How I Met Your Father" Season 2 tested the friendships of everyone in the group. (4) This is the first prophecy in the book revealed directly to Daniel. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:89, NASB95)[7] You have a responsibility because you know what the end will bring. Daniel returned to his house and explained the situation to his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Those of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and Darius all agree with the prophecy of Daniel 7. In a similar way, Belshazzar becomes blasphemous and is suddenly removed by God for his wickedness. Daniel uses the expression Son of man twice. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. Abraham had to believe and behave on the basis of Gods promises, rather than on the basis of his perception. The First Vision is a dream of the king that is interpreted by Daniel. The Old Testament prophet did not see the gap because he viewed the coming of Christ as God does. When God granted Daniel the wisdom to interpret the king's dream, it launched Daniel's long career as a political leader, trusted adviser, and well-known prophet. Gogglebox star Stephen explained the reason for him and husband Daniel Lustif missing the show on Instagram. This was when his life took a sharp turn. Alexander the Great's empire and its divisions after his death were predicted long in advance in Daniel 11. 4 The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. Upon hearing the details of the dream, Daniel too was troubled (4:19). It devoured and crushed, and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. The fourth beast appears to differ from the other three in that he is more beastly, more powerful, more destructive, and more arrogant. Second, the prophecies of Daniel are to be understood in the light of the entire Book of Daniel, of the Old Testament, and of the Bible as a whole. Belshazzars rise to power and ascent to the throne seems to have inaugurated a new age for Babylon. Desiring a more detailed explanation, he apparently asked for one and received it. There is fairly strong inferential evidence that Nebuchadnezzar was represented by the first beast, the winged lion. He will also send forth His angels to gather those who do not belong in His kingdom (12:41). Subsequent revelations in the Book of Daniel which Daniel received were closely associated with some kind of agony or distress (see 8:17, 27; 9:20-21; 10:2-3, 7-10, 17; 12:8). (2) The prophecies of Daniel must be understood in relationship to and in light of the other prophecies of Daniel. La Habra, CA : The Lockman Foundation, 1995, [3]Walvoord, John F.; Zuck, Roy B.; Dallas Theological Seminary: The Bible Knowledge Commentary : An Exposition of the Scriptures. ), Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would show the king the interpretation, Conjunctive waw | Noun - proper - masculine singular, Daniel -- 'God is my judge', an Israelite leader in Babylon, Verb - Qal - Perfect - third person masculine singular, Conjunctive waw | Verb - Qal - Conjunctive perfect - third person masculine singular, Verb - Qal - Imperfect - third person masculine singular, Preposition | third person masculine singular, Preposition-l | Verb - Hifil - Infinitive construct, Preposition-l | Noun - masculine singular determinate, Conjunctive waw | Noun - masculine singular determinate. What God says, He will do. As the wicked prosper in their sin, it seems as though they can continue in sin without any fear of divine judgment (see Psalm 73:1-11; 2 Peter 2:3-4). All distinctions of race and colour and nationality are stripped away and one apparently human figure represents the whole human race. Joyce C. Baldwin, Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary (Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1978), p. 150. So King Nebuchadnezzar honored God's men. In the latter days, an unusually powerful and evil king will arise, who will blaspheme God and oppress the people of God. So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him what he had dreamed. Daniel said that his thoughts were greatly alarming him and his face grew pale. I have heard a number of attempts to explain the gaps in Old Testament prophecy. The next portion of the statue in Daniel 2 was the chest and arms of silver which represented the Medo-Persian Empire which was even larger than the Babylonian empire. Wherever I see the Scriptures speak of the coming kingdom of God, I find suffering closely associated with it. 2 So the king summoned the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers [1]to tell him what he had dreamed. When mentioning the little horn that grew up and uprooted three of the first ten horns, Daniel now tells us that this little horn grew until it was larger in appearance then the remaining seven horns. When that day comes for them, it is too late to repent. Just a few years later Alexander died, and his empire was divided into four parts and his four generals became the monarch of a quarter of the Greek empire. (3) What principles should guide and govern our attempt to interpret the prophecy of this chapter? The second time, the expression is used in reference to Daniel himself, as it will be used very frequently in Ezekiel to refer to this great prophet: So he came near to where I was standing, and when he came I was frightened and fell on my face; but he said to me, Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end (Daniel 8:17). For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. As the boasting horn of Daniel 7 seems to be getting away with his blasphemies and his oppression of the saints, it seems to him he can do whatever he wishes, including the changing of times and law. While most prophecies in the Bible reveal events which will take place after the death of the recipient of the prophecy, the prophecy is revealed for impact upon those to whom it was revealed. 3:15; Zc. March 1, 2023, 6:00 a.m. Does this dream have any significance for us? Through the ages, the saints have learned that they must wait for the promises of God to be fulfilled and that this may not happen in their lifetime (see Hebrews 11:13-16, 39-40). As I stated two weeks ago the leopard was noted for its swiftness and the two pairs of wings suggests added swiftness beyond the animals own ability. 75 Everything in chapter 7 is on a world-wide scale, the empires of the beasts, the judgment, and the nations that worship and serve the one like mortal man. Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him." Lion - Babylon. The next three are waking visions seen in the presence of angels, followed by an appearance of the Messiah - the Son of Man - to interpret the vision for Daniel. He is more beastly in the beginning and more human in the end, paralleling the character of Nebuchadnezzar. Our deliverance from the power of sin and the penalty of death has been accomplished by our Lord, who suffered in our place. 2 And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. What so upset Daniel about the future? Generally, it is agreed that this beast represents the Babylonian empire and king Nebuchadnezzar in particular. The fact that wicked men will prosper and prevail and that the righteous will suffer is hardly pleasant news. 2 Daniel said, I was looking in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. Just what this means is unclear, but it suggests this arrogant king not only speaks against God, but, like Satan, he aspires to change the order God has established. Thirdly (and most importantly), the prophecies of Daniel mean exactly what God says they mean, nothing more and nothing less. Then He said to me, Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you! (Ezekiel 2:1). (6) How important is it for us to identity the kings and the kingdoms mentioned in our text? requires it of the Chaldeans, by promises and threats. God has revealed in this interpretation what He wants us to know and has kept back that which we need not know. In more detail, the outline would be as follows: (2) The Divine Interpretation verses 15-28. But later on two came forward, 61 and said, This man stated, I am able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days. 62 And the high priest stood up and said to Him, Do You make no answer? 24 As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them,81 and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. This prophecy is not new to Daniel should be enough for us fourth beast in Daniels dream in chapter should... 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who explained daniel's dreams to him
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